While getting my weekly dose of celebrity gossip via Perez Hilton (shameless plug), I couldn't help but notice a rather sophisticated and fun fashion advertisement on the side of this gossip guru's website. It was an ad for an online clothing company called
Mod Cloth specializing in vintage, super cute, and girly one-of-a-kind pieces. Ok so I admit, I don't really go on Perez that often. But I have gone on enough times to notice this ad. And I never click on ads, but this one intrigued me. It looked cute. So I did what every advertiser would want a consumer to do....I clicked on the link! And I swear, it took me to this website and really opened my eyes to vintage clothing, cute fashion styles, and most importantly - online shopping! This is just a sample of some of the cutest stuff ever on their website! I want to buy everything! And the best part of it all? The price points aren't all the bad. They're actually quite affordable!

But here's the thing. I'm about 10 years behind schedule on this whole online shopping thing. Don't get me wrong though. I do my fair share of online shopping at Ticketmaster and Chapters/Indigo, but I've never been brave enough to buy
clothing over the Internet. What if the measurements don't match? What if it looks way better on screen than in person? What if it just looks plain
fugly on you?

The whole idea of shopping for clothes online is plain scary. Yeah, yeah. I know, online shopping is supposed to be made simple. You buy the garment, if it doesn't fit or you don't like it, you can easily return it and get your money back. And seriously, get with the program.
Everyone's doing it!
My point is this - have you bought any clothing over the Internet before? What's it like? Is it really that simple, especially when you want to return it? I'm sure it is, but I'm a newbie at online shopping, with a whole 'lotta concerns. But the moment I get my piece of mind, I swear, I'll be buying
everything from Mod Cloth. You guys sell amazing pieces! So cute for any occasion. Check it out for yourself
Mod Cloth :)
Happy shopping (at least I can live vicariously through you all until I get the nerve to do it myself)!
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