Allow me to introduce myself (again). It's been awhile, I know. But in case you forgot, my name is Gina. I live in Toronto, Queen West to be exact. I work in the wonderful world of television, as a freelancer - reality TV or news. I do it all. I love shopping, watching movies, going on romantic dinner dates, long walks on the beach...opps, sorry. Wrong topic....

It's been so long since I've blogged. Kind of got out of the routine of things over the holidays. But now that it's the new year, I found myself having to re-evaluate my priorities. So I've come up with a few new years resolutions.
MY NEW YEARS RESOLUTIONS ARE...(not in any particular order)
1) To stay fit and healthy for 2010. That means hitting the gym at least 3+ times a week - no excuses. This week, I've gone 4 times, with a class tomorrow morning makes it 5! That's a record. Thank you GoodLife!
2) To find a non-contract, full-time job. A career....a big girl job. It's as simple as that! PLEASE
3) To read a good book. Several of them in fact. I'm a pop culture and news junkie, so I rely on the Internet a lot for my daily fix. Right now, I have 5 books that are waiting for me to crack open, and as depressing as this sounds, I hope I can get through them (in a year). Yeesh, that's pretty sad. Moving on...
4) To pick up a hobby and learn something new - whether it's learning to sew or knit, I want to learn how to do it. Even a cooking class would be a good idea. Who's in?!
Hopefully I can keep this up! I'll keep you posted on the findings :)